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I raise up my voice not so that I can shout but so those without a voice can be heard. 

~ Malala

The voices of survivors and victims of sexual violence are too often silenced. Many are silenced before they even get the chance to speak up, and others are silenced because they spoke up. Projects like the Clothesline Project are created to give these survivors their voices back. The two main goals of this project are and have always been to give survivors and victims their voices back by providing a safe place for their story to be shared and witnessed. And to allow those impacted, whether it be survivors or loved ones of victims, to begin their healing journey.

Support goes much further than just saying, “I hear you and I believe you.” While that is an important first step, the work shouldn’t and doesn’t end there. A project like this is the perfect opportunity to educate outsiders on the true facts of domestic, power-based, gender, and intimate partner violence against everyone. To show survivors the resources that are available to them. In the process of educating people there is often a newfound desire to help remedy an issue, which is why The Clothesline Project is a national web of interconnected communities united against one issue. As this project grows and spreads, so does the support and love for those impacted. Let's start today. Click here to see how you can raise awareness and break the silence within your community.

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