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Share Your Story

The Clothesline Project offers people affected by violence a means to express their emotions by decorating a shirt that they can then hang on the clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of sexual, gender-based, power-based, and intimate partner violence.

To make a shirt:

Thank you for your time and story

We're happy to share your story as long as you abide by the following guidelines: 

  • Shirts should be submitted by the survivors, if this is not possible, a shirt for a survivor should be submitted with their written permission if applicable. 

  • They will not be censored. It is up to the survivor what content they want to use, as long as any identifying information of the perpetrator is not displayed.


Unfortunately, if these guidelines are broken your shirt will not be able to be displayed in our gallery.

You are invited to use your creativity to its full potential. This is all about you and the healing process, however, here are some of our suggestions! 


  • For people who have been killed: You are invited to show their name, date of birth and death, and hometown, on the shirt but you are not required to include this information. Write a description of the person you have memorialized,  include information you wish to share about their death. Tell us what this person meant to you and how you think they should be remembered. You may also submit a photo of the person if you wish.

  • Below is a chart showing what the different colors of shirts mean, you may choose to follow this or not. This is part of your healing process, we appreciate anything you're willing to design or share. 

Anchor 1

RED, PINK, ORANGE: Survivor of rape or childhood sexual abuse

PURPLE: Someone attacked because of their sexual orientation


YELLOW: Survivor of physical assault or domestic violence


WHITE: Someone who died because of violence


BLACK: Someone disabled as the result of an attack or someone assaulted because of a disability


BLUE or GREEN: Survivor of incest or childhood sexual abuse

BROWN or GRAY: Survivors of emotional, spiritual, or verbal abuse


Click here to go our Gallery and see examples of the shirts already made

Share Your Story

Thanks for sharing!

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